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ROE over ROI: Why Sales Training Needs Accountability Not Investment

As a sales consultant, the pressure to help your customers demonstrate a clear return on ...
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The State of Sales Training in the Caribbean: A Call for Change

Disclaimer: This post is not intended to critique any specific individual, organisation, ...
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From Sales Rep to Sales Manager: Your 90 Days Sales Management Guide

It is not uncommon for sales representatives to be promoted to managerial positions. ...
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The 2024 Guide to Hiring Top Sales Talent in Trinidad and Tobago

Far too often, I've been hearing sales leaders say that finding top sales talent. While I ...
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8 Sales KPIs for 2024 - Maximising Your Sales Performance

An in-depth understanding of key metrics is not just beneficial – it's critical. However, ...
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Mastering Lead Management: The Key to Sales and Marketing Success

One observation that often stands out when working with clients is that prospecting is ...
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10 Point Guide for Marketers To Thrive In 2024

As we move closer to the year 2024, the marketing landscape is rapidly evolving, with ...
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Transforming Sales Leadership in the Caribbean

As a sales consultant, I've witnessed a concerning trend eroding the foundations of many ...
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The Future of AI in Business: Dharmesh Shah's INBOUND23 Keynote

In September 2023, I attended the Inbound Conference, where I had the privilege to listen ...
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From Information to Intelligence: HubSpot's Vision for the Future

I had the incredible opportunity to attend HubSpot's Inbound Conference, and I'll tell ...
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